About us

M.E. Display

M.E. Display currently specializes in the sales of materials and equipment for the print industry, as well as the supply of advertising materials through the exclusive distribution of world-known brands such as Roland, Oracal, Orafol, Bodor, Chemica, INX Digital, M&T Display, Perspex, Goq Led, Unifol and others.

With an efficient and professional Sales Force, M.E. Display has a wide distribution network and product presence in the Kosovan market, but also in the Albanian and Macedonian markets.


M.E. Display was founded in 1988 as a family-owned company with the aim of providing printing services, but at the same time through occasional sales of raw materials and equipment for the press industry, it experienced an increase in its sales and that transformed it into a key trading business.

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Why Choose Us

Kapaciteti i Produkteve

Gama e produkteve dhe fleksibiliteti ne stok e emeron 'Me Display' si lider ne tregun e vet.

Kontroll intensiv i cilësisë

Produktet me standardeve të larta të cilësisë

Fuqia e Sherbimit

Dhjetëra Punetore nga stafi yne janë gjithmonë duke u munduar për të krijuar risi dhe te sherbyer klientit. Synimi jone eshte te udhëheqim tregun me produkte inovative.